Step into

Your Fresh Journey

Create healthy communities as you live filled with freedom, rest, and encouragement. Embrace and experience growth in body, mind, and spirit. Journey together, supporting and respecting each other; allowing each to persevere despite challenges and grow at their own pace because we have confidence that God is with us. 

A couple with big smiles, enjoying each other and exploring nature, in Bakersfield, CA, with their beginner's hiking group.

Fresh Journey is a community of people, within the 'C'hurch.

A community that is learning to be completely honest with self, God, and others. People who are open to the Holy Spirit and wise people speaking into their lives. People who are learning to be responsible for themselves and not blame or cry victim at every corner. People who will give empathy for others who are in need of restoration, every bit as much as they are.
This community will embrace creativity, authenticity and diversity. We will practice a slow down spirituality modeled with rhythms like rest, restore, connect, create.
A healthy community happens as people learn about emotional intelligence and relational skills. This community will embrace passionate marriages and singleness. Having specific groups for men and women, singles and couples, in order to support one another in the specific challenges presented by the terrain of your life.
A strength of this community will be belonging and attachment a to God; learning to be securely attached and correcting our attachment needs to one another in healthy ways. This is attained by an Emmanuel lifestyle recognizing that God is with us and he cares for us always, even enough to place individual spiritual gifting‘s, personality, and strengths in each of us.  Each of us is called and equipped to carry this message of God's never ending, always and forever love and redemption to those around us. 


A couple with big smiles, enjoying each other and exploring nature, in Bakersfield, CA, with their beginner's hiking group.